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Our Teachers & Staff


Grace Sanchez - Principal, Teacher K-5

Grace Sanchez comes to THAS with 20 years of experience as an Educator from the San Diego and Los Angeles area. She has provided Early Intervention services, taught in Community Court Schools, Juvenile Detention Centers, and Public Schools K-12, and was a Garden & Nutrition Education Specialist for a non-profit organization.

As an Educator, she has held a variety of roles where she has had the opportunity to work with children of various age groups, families of diverse demographics, multifaceted teams of therapists, and various partner organizations providing tailored early intervention services that ensure the speed and quality of learning. She has designed and implemented a variety of lesson plans that allow her to meet the needs of every student. 

She has a Master’s degree in Teaching with an emphasis in Curriculum and Instruction from Chapman University, Orange CA, and holds a State Credential, and SDA Professional Certificate. She strongly believes in “providing quality education in a Christ-filled environment.” She believes that what a child learns today will have an impact on his/her future throughout adolescence and adulthood. Helping children grow spiritually helps children grow, develop and do well academically and socially.

Proverbs 22.6 tells us “to train up a child in the way he should go, and even when he is old he will not depart from it.” King Solomon’s wise words are ever so true today. It is important to equip children with the Word and to be deeply rooted in the Word, to be established with a solid foundation for challenges in the future, and to be righteous citizens. 

She is a passionate advocate of instilling good nutritional habits and encourages the pursuit of STEM fields. Her volunteer work with the STEM Outreach Program has allowed her to work jointly with government organizations, and professional organizations, to increase STEM interest and literacy in the San Diego communities. Other volunteer work included participating in the San Diego State University Robotics Fair.

Grace lives in Paso Robles with her husband, Rich, and her Siberian Husky, Jarvis. She
enjoys reading, running, cooking, hiking, and traveling.


Templeton Hills Adventist School Staff 

Grace Sanchez - Principal /Teacher for grades K-5  - gracesanchezthas@gmail.com





Lisa Edwards - Teacher Assistant - lisasrainbow@hotmail.com


Sabrina Giese - Office Assistant - thas.secretary@gmail.com


Pastor Zac Page & Wednesday Chapel


Leah Page - Music Teacher 


Peggy David - Sewing Teacher 


Art Teacher 


Gabe Edwards- Volunteer & IT 


 Keri Kirk - Volunteer 


Volunteer & Farmer Matt Giese





Teacher 6-8 - TBD

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Templeton Hills School Board for the 2024-2025 School Year 

Pastor at Templeton Hills SDA Church // Pastor Zac Page  -  pastorzacpage@gmail.com

THAS Principal/ Teacher  // Grace Sanchez  -  gracesanchezthas@gmail.com

Superintendent // Donna Baerg Entze  -  dentze@cccsda.org 

School Board Chair // Pastor Jerry Page  -  pagej@gc.adventist.org

Vice School Board Chair // Ronna Ross  -  faithfultogod@me.com 

Board Member // Pastor Zac Page  -  pastorzacpage@gmail.com

Board Member // Matt Giese  -  mgiese87@gmail.com

Board Member // Keri Kirk - ambassadorforjesus1@gmail.com

Board Member // Maria Garcia  -  miag198@yahoo.com

Board Member // Peggy David  -  peggy@peggydavid.com

Board Member // Jeri Shepherd  -  drjeri@sbcglobal.net

Board Member // Heather Willis - martz.heather@gmail.com




Superintendents for the 2024-2025 School Year 

Ken Bullington - Vice President     kbullington@cccsda.org

Donna Baerg Entze     dentze@cccsda.org

Erik Borges    sborges@cccsda.org

Sandra Green    sgreen@cccsda.org




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